Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Call to Elizabeth Crook Panting Wilkes Cranney's Posterity

I have found that many have copied Elizabeth's story from this blog and posted it in  I have been disappointed that those descendants of Elizabeth have not left their names or contact information.  I had hoped that we, who are descended from her, might connect through this blog.  There are missing documents that we need to find, and that can only happen as we come together and search whatever papers, documents, etc. have been passed down through the various family lines.  I also hoped that we might find pictures to share, etc.  With the digital capabilities of this century, there is no excuse for us not to share all we have.  I also think it would be nice for us to know our extended family.  I am sure that we would be astonished to know how many extended relatives we have crossed paths with in our life time.  I make a fervent request that those of you who are descended from Elizabeth, who read this blog, and possibly are even copying parts of it for your own records....please leave your contact information so that we might all connect and become part of one large family that we know and with whom we could share.  

As an incentive, I have an account of Elizabeth's death that I would love to share with those who will leave their contact information and how they are related to Elizabeth.